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Carleton University Philosophy Society

Carleton University Philosophy Society (CUPS) is a student-led society for undergrad and masters students interested in the exchange and discussion of philosophical ideas. Events hosted include pub nights, and discussion groups, of which past topics include philosophy of music, metaethics, and women in early modern philosophy. Discussion groups are held throughout the term and all are welcome!
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Carleton University Physics Society

The Carleton University Physics Society, also known as CUPS hosts several events throughout the year, the most famous and prominent of which are the Pizza and a Prof events. This event entails a professor giving a short lecture about their work/ research, followed by time to eat pizza and discuss ideas/ socialize with other physics peers! Other events include study nights where study snacks are provided and upper year students give lower year students help and advice! In the past we have also done skating nights and trivia nights in collaboration with other societies!
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Carleton University Troitsky Bridge

Carleton University Troitsky Bridge is design team recognized as the longest-standing participant, alongside Concordia University, in the annual Troitsky Bridge Building Competition. We work together to build bridges up to 1m in length out of only popsicle sticks, white glue, and dental floss! Our teams are known for our fun costumes and energetic spirit during competition. Over the years, Carleton has been given many awards for coaching and design, while also earning numerous spirit awards. Each year, we proudly send the largest delegation amongst the attending universities to Montreal for competition.
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