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Carleton Afghan Students Association

The CASA shall work towards representing Afghan students, participating actively in the larger Carleton University student association initiatives, introducing Afghan culture, promoting cultural diversity, advocating for Afghan girls denied the basic right to education in Afghanistan, addressing and raising awareness about the persistent issues and injustices that people in Afghanistan experience, and overall allowing for Afghans here in the west to connect with their roots and culture once again. The CASA strives to provide a place for Afghans to celebrate their culture and a place for students and people of all backgrounds to learn about Afghanistan, its beauty, and the unfortunate injustices currently taking place.
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Carleton Applied and Theoretical Linguistics Society (CATL)

The Carleton Applied and Theoretical Linguistics Society (CATL) is an academic student society that provides a space for students interested in languages, linguistics, and related areas including, but not limited to, those in the Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies, and Modern Languages programs at Carleton to connect with peers and learn together. This society hosts events such as casual hangouts and guest speakers, and is open to all CU students!
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Carleton Badminton Club

The Carleton University Badminton Club is evidently a badminton club mainly with the goal of bringing students who enjoy playing the game of badminton together. By bringing people with the like minded goal of playing, it promotes a more competitive atmosphere as well as fun and games. Aside from our club, we also have a competitive team (not affiliated with athletics) which competes in Badminton Canada’s National Circuit of tournaments.
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Carleton Book Arts Society

The Book Arts Society is open to students at any level of study, shall foster and support members’ collective and individual interests in all related fields of the book arts, including but not limited to, letterpress printing, linocutting, wood engraving, calligraphy, paper decorating, and book binding. No experience required!
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