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Carleton Sisterhood Society

Our society is for all BIPOC females. We recognize that there are three sororities on campus. However, there are not many BIPOC women. We have decided to create a society for women of all races, ethnicities, cultures and more to Assemble, Celebrate, and Empower. We want to make a safe environment for BIPOC women to gather and express their identity to the community that will interest all Carleton students. We hope our club allows BIPOC women to feel comfortable in their surroundings, and to allow a safe space for them to express their identity. We hope to reach all students and educate them on BIPOC women in our society, historically and presently. Additionally, it would be our wish to host fun and engaging events to fundraise to give back to the community.
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Carleton Systems and Computer Engineering Society (SCESoc)

The Carleton Systems and Computer Engineering Society (SCESoc) is a society for the students of the Systems and Computer Engineering Department, which includes Biomedical and Electrical, Communications, Computer Systems, and Software Engineering. We hold a large variety of events, such as professional and technical skill development workshops, social gatherings, and networking opportunities. Our goal is to help anybody (and everybody) branch out in SCE related fields, and have fun while doing so!
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Carleton U Field Hockey

The Carleton University Field Hockey club is a co-ed team filled with passionate players who want to learn and have fun within a competitive atmosphere. We play year-round against other teams in Ottawa and encourage everyone to tryout, whether or not you have experience!
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Carleton Ukrainian Students’ Club

The mandates and objectives of the Ukrainian Students’ Club are as follow: To uphold and promote the Ukrainian language. 2. To organize, and represent the members of the Ukrainian Students’ Club at Carleton University, along with other Associate Member Organizations as an organized body; 3. To promote Ukrainian and Ukrainian Canadian studies; 4. To promote awareness of Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Canadian cultural on and off campus; 5. To provide a structure for intra/inter group relations; 6. To participate in and encourage the development of the Ukrainian-Canadian community which abides by the rule of law and democratic and humanitarian principles; 7. To educate and inform members and non-members about issues relevant to the Ukrainian-Canadian community; 8. To coordinate and initiate activities for persons in order to promote Ukrainian culture; 9. To organize conferences, tours, ethnic events, study groups and exhibits which further the objectives of the Ukrainian Students’ Club.
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