The Co-Curricular Record is a way for students to record their extracurricular involvement during their time at Carleton University. The Co-Curricular Record provides official documentation of a students’ extracurricular involvement.

This resource is provided by and organized by the Student Experience Office.

CCR Resources:

CUSA Club President(s) are provided with an important role of being “validators.” Essentially, Club President(s) are responsible for “validating” club members and executive positions on the CCR. Club Executives and Members are responsible for adding their roles to their CCR and the Club Presidents can go in and “validate” that they are members and executives.

  1. CUSA will notify the Student Experience Office of all certified clubs and the club presidents and co-presidents in the Fall semester. New clubs will have their club created by the Student Experience Office.
  2. In November, club executives should check to see if their club is listed and if the executive positions are correct. If anything is incorrect, please refer to this webpage. 
  3. The Student Experience Office will add the Club Presidents as “validators” for their clubs. When a member or executive adds their experience in the club to their CCR, the club president(s) will validate their membership and executive’s request.
  4. All members and executives are responsible for adding their positions to the CCR. Please review the CCR’s deadlines on their website:

Frequently asked questions:

  • Can another executive be the “validator?”
    • Only the club presidents can be the “validators” of clubs. Other executives are not permitted to be the validator of the CCR.
  • Our VP Finance forgot to add their executive position from last year to their CCR- how can they add it?  
    • Unfortunately, after the deadlines have passed for one academic year, positions cannot be added retroactively. Email: with any questions about this
  • Will my role automatically be inputted on the CCR?
    • Club Presidents will be inputted into the CCR system as validators. All other executives and members are responsible for adding their role to their CCR.

Please refer to the Student Experience Office’s CCR webpage.