Club Leaders are important to the Carleton University community. We trust you to guide your clubs ethically and provide meaningful experiences for students outside of the classroom.

Leadership Changes:

Leadership Changes occurs when an unexpected change in leadership occurs (an executive resigns from their position and your club holds a by-election.)

Leadership Succession references your club’s annual leadership succession process.

  • All executives go through a leadership succession process, which are outlined in a club’s constitution. Club constitutions can be located in the “resources” section of the club page in the CUSA Club Directory. All CUSA Clubs are required to follow the CUSA Clubs Leadership Succession Procedure. 

Leadership Succession Methods:

  • Elections
  • Consensus-Based: If using a consensus-based leadership succession, please complete the template provided by the clubs team: Consensus-Based Template
  • Application & Interview with the Club Executives and Members
  • Application & Interview with the Clubs Oversight Commission

Review the CUSA Club Leadership Succession Procedure for additional details.

Club Transition Items:
  • Recertification application: In order to remain active for the next academic year, clubs need to fill out the recertification application. Applications open in May each year and close on June 30th. Clubs who miss this deadline can apply for certification. 
  • Changing bank signing authorities: to change your club’s signing authorities from the past executives to the current executives- please fill out this bank letter request form. 
  • Membership: It is important for your club to actively keep an accurate record of your club membership. Individuals do not “automatically” join your club by virtue of being affiliated with your club’s mandate.
  • Example: If I am the President of the Carleton Scottish Association- all Scottish students at Carleton are not considered to be automatic members, although they are welcome to join my club as members. As Club President, I would need to create a form (recommended- Google Form) and have interested individuals fill out this form to declare their membership. On the form, they would need to include their name, CUID, and cmail. Only these individuals who fill out this form will be recognized as official members of your club. Only these students are permitted to vote in club elections and have coverage under our insurance as club members. Community members (not official members of your club) can participate in club events should also be added to a list.
  • Status with CUSA/ Clubs Oversight Commission: If you have any outstanding funds owed to CUSA or sanctions that have been issued that have not been followed-through- this may put your group in a “bad-standing” with CUSA. It is recommended that your club works to remedy this before the recertification form closes. Otherwise, this could impact your club’s ability to be certified or receive funding.